Beside My Farmer

God is Faithful


The month of March was busy for my farmer husband and me. We traveled around Kansas to attend three weddings and a 60th wedding reception. As we drove around the state, I anxiously looked for nature to show signs signaling the beginning of a fresh spring season providing new green grass. Do you know the feeling? However, almost everything we saw was still a haggard, wintered brown.

The weather teased with a few warm spring days early on, then followed with more winter’s snow and cold. Several of the old farmers that came to our shop this winter purchasing seed, shared wisdom from the Farmer’s Almanac. The Almanac stated we were to have a backward spring. They hit the nail on the head with this statement. We have had warm days first, then snowy days to follow.

The first wedding we attended in March was held on a chilly evening in Medora. My cousin was blessed with the chance to begin a second marriage to a lovely Christian woman. We enjoyed witnessing their marriage in a beautifully refurbished barn that once housed miniature donkeys. The kitchen and catering area had previously been used as the birthing area for the newly arriving foals. New things are still being created in the barn, just in a different way.

The next week on a cool but sunny, Saturday, we helped to orchestrate my in-law’s 60th wedding anniversary reception in Wamego. Such a wonderful blessing for them to be able to celebrate an incredibly worthy accomplishment with family and friends. Years ago, the rented building was once a Duckwall’s variety store. The walls have been taken back down to the original limestone. The wood floors are original and look beautiful with the rock walls.

The next day was a warm, sunny, and absolutely, beautiful Sunday. We attended the wedding of my cousin’s daughter in Wichita. A couple in their early twenties finishing college and beginning a new life together. The beautiful couple built a centerpiece by stacking rocks, reminding them of the promises they made to each other that day. Just as in the bible the Israelites stacked rocks after crossing the Jordan river to remind them of what the Lord had done for them. Their scripture verse was Colossians 3:12-14. They have so much potential in their young, happy, and in-love lives.

The wedding was held in what was once an old warehouse. The original brick walls were stunning with many character statements located around the rooms of the timely facility. New life has been brought back into this old building, creating an amazing venue for creating covenants of marriage.

The next week on Friday afternoon, it was a joy to witness our daughter marry the love of her life. In a simple but sweet ceremony, the judge joined their lives forever. We ate lunch together as a joined family and celebrated with a lovely, modest reception. The day reflected the couple perfectly, laid back, low fuss, and stress-free.

We had a lovely day. On the way home from the wedding my farmer husband stated he sure hoped all the rest of our kids get married the same way. Between us we have 9 children, my husband has 6 and I have 3. Two of our kids are married now, so we have seven ceremonies to go.

Have you been to any unique weddings lately?


Buildings can be updated and refurbished bringing a whole new purpose to the facility, just like nature can completely update and redecorate the earth with every new season. Our lives follow the same process, just when it seems we start to get life figured out the season changes, and our lives are refurbished. Life is always changing bringing new challenges, the same way the beauty of nature is always changing teaching and showing us new things.

Thinking about all the wonderful events and venues we have witnessed during this early spring, reminds me of our Mighty God’s love and faithfulness. Whatever life season you are walking through God is faithful to walk beside you. You may be starting over, starting out new, or celebrating a milestone. He will guide you along the path in the right direction, always standing right beside you, if you only ask.

Do you take the time to ask God to walk beside you in life? Talk to him right now.

Witnessing God’s presence in the changing of the seasons provides trust.  I know that winter will change to spring, I have seen it happen 54 times before.

You can totally trust God to walk beside you. If He can completely refurbish the earth with amazing beauty four times every year seamlessly, then friend, you have nothing to worry about. God has totally got this; your life and mine are in his hands.