Beside My Farmer, Blog

Be Present with Him


Last week, I sat in our Farm’s booth at a Women’s Farm conference. The social aspects of this are so much fun. You get to talk with the attendees as they stop by and have lots of time to talk with your next-door booth neighbors.

I was fortunate to be beside Karie, a friend I had worked with many years ago. It was great to see her smiling face and catch up.

I was explaining my non-profit, Go Experience Nature, to an attendee and Karie joined in the conversation. Afterward, Karie and I discussed how God designed nature to de-stress.

She shared that she had once worked with a group of ladies that began meetings with prayer. The manager would always start her prayer by instructing everyone at the meeting to sit in silence and soak in God’s presence. After several minutes of silence, she would pray.

I love this! My non-profit, Go Experience Nature, is about getting people outside and feeling God’s presence in nature. If you can’t get outside, look out the window and enjoy God’s presence and glory.

Find a favorite spot and be in His presence for like 15 minutes each day.

Find ways to connect with God. Go for a walk, listen to worship music, find a quiet place in your house, lock yourself in a room, and find time during the week to get alone with the Lord. Get away from your spouse, kids, ministry, or job and just sit there in His presence.

Practice being in His presence and warm yourself up to Him. Talk to God like you would a friend. Get to know Him. Ask God to show you His presence.

When Jesus’ presence is available to you, don’t ask Him to fix your marriage, heal your body, or take care of your children; that’s all good. Instead, tell Him, “Lord, I need to hear your voice, I need your power, I need your presence.”

When you concentrate on Him, all the other things will take care of themselves. The book of Matthew says seek the kingdom of God first, and everything else will be added to you.

Then, take time to share the ways you have learned to come into God’s presence with others, just as Karie graciously shared her experience with me.

Friend, that is your job as a believer.

Focus on God’s presence this week.



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