
A Heart Full of Hope


Last week, our friend’s son Steve had a massive heart attack. Only 10% of his heart was working. He was placed on a pump to stay alive while they waited for a new heart.

The Almighty Creator designed the heart to be an amazing organ. It is the central part of the circulatory system. It moves blood throughout the body, bringing oxygen and nutrients to cells while removing carbon dioxide and other waste.

The opportunity to receive the gift of a new heart is fantastic, but knowing that another family is losing one of its members to provide the gift is incredibly sad.

Replacing someone’s heart with a new one is a medical miracle.

How do doctors know how to remove the old heart and attach the new one? How does the body know to start over again with a new heart?

The heart is also intimately connected to the mind. The Bible tells us that the heart represents the core of our being, the control center from which decisions are made. It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, desires, and intentions.

The heart is often compared to a book because it records an individual’s life, every thought, word, and deed. The heart documents life experiences, emotions, memories, and lessons learned.

Just as an author details stories in a book, each chapter in the heart represents a distinct period of life, such as childhood, love, loss, etc.

Books describe details of an event or a specific period in time to pass on to the next generation. Significant events leave impressions on our hearts, shaping our character and perspective.

Books share a human passion with current and future generations. Telling the story to help others.

Read to your children and grandchildren and teach them to read.

Steve was gifted with a young, strong heart and is recovering well.

I hope your week is full of heart.


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